SXM 2022 Annual Meeting

On January 8, 2022, SXM’s annual annual summary meeting came as scheduled. All employees gathered together to make a summary of the year 2022.

In the first part of the meeting, each department conducted an annual work summary. Each partner integrated the data for the whole year to break down, refine, analyze, and plan for 2023. SXM management listened to everyone’s work reports and looked forward to the company’s prosperous blueprint for future development. After everyone reported, SXM’s boss Bryant gave an inspiring mobilization speech, leading everyone to roll up their sleeves and work harder in 2023, to have the courage to make breakthroughs and create greater glory!

The second part of the meeting held the annual outstanding employee commendation. In 2022, every partner of the company worked hard and continued to break through themselves. At the end of 2022, everyone turned in an excellent report card. This year we awarded the Outstanding Employee of the Year Award, Sales Champion Award, Dark Horse Award, Pioneer Award, etc. Seeing the smiles on the faces of the award-winning friends is worth all the hard work this year!

The third part of the meeting was our annual fixed lottery draw and dinner. The company prepared a variety of electronic products as lottery gifts. Every partner was eager to participate in the draw and witnessed the overwhelming luck in the screams. My friends, my hands really cramped when I won the prize.

In 2022, we will be fruitful, we are full of enthusiasm, we are firm in the present, we are full of confidence, we are passionate, looking forward to the future, we are full of vitality, and we have high morale. All SXM people will work together as one, ride the wind and waves, and move forward to 2023 steadily.


Linda Zhu

Linda Zhu

Hi, I'm Linda Zhu, the sales manager of, I've been in Wuxi Shenxi Bearing Manufacture for 8 years now, and the purpose of this article is to share with you the knowledge related to bearings from a Chinese supplier’s perspective.

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SXM 2022 Annual Meeting

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